Thursday, July 29, 2010

Past Present Future

It isn't about what happened, it's about what's to come. But the past is always with us, just waiting to mess with the present

Sometimes you need to step outside, clear your head and remind yourself of who you are. And where you wanna be. 

And sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself. As for me, I'm happy right where I am. XOXO


Monday, July 26, 2010

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

I’ve been through so many feelings and emotions in my life. I know the exact feeling you have right now. The constant thought of what could have been, if you had just realized what you had when u had it. In fact I’ve been there more than once. Some say the first cut is the deepest. I say they wrong. It gets deeper with every broken heart. But no matter how deep the hurt, it always heals. It is just how you let it heal and how you let the process take its course. Maybe it’s not about fixing something broken but starting over and creating something even better. We make our own fortunes and then call them fate. But what better excuse than to choose a path and insist it is our destiny. At the End of the day we all have to live with our choices. And all those that I’ve made in my life have been worth it. Through all of the pain and heart ache I have found myself and I’m at peace. I am truly happy and my heart has never felt better.  



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I don't make the first move. Ever. Unless were playing monopoly cause that's my shit