Wednesday, October 6, 2010


What am I most thankful for? The truth. Sometimes it's the truth you've been trying not to face. Or the truth that will change your life. Sometimes it's the truth that's a long time coming. Or the truth you prayed would never see the light of day. Some truths may not be heard or found the way we hoped . But they linger and fester...

What is the kind of truth I'm most thankful for? The one your intuition tells you is there. My gut told me things were not right. Even though i wanted to believe the lies and i stupidly did for some time, in the end i trusted my heart to let go. Everyone said to him don't mess this one up... but i'm grateful that he did. I would be spending my time, money and most importantly my emotions on someone that was deceitful and unloyal. I now know i deserve more than that. All i can say now is one unloyal person deserves another... and thats just what he's getting...just re-started the clock on a ticking time bomb....


  1. very deep, very true :) You Deserve the best xxxx

  2. If only you knew how much I loved you Miss LC, but it could never be, you're too good for me! :-(


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I don't make the first move. Ever. Unless were playing monopoly cause that's my shit